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30 June 2016

The RV of terror - casualties: one

The Bellend of the Month for June 2016 is Roger Carter Killam, who is scheduled to appear in court at time of posting on two counts of neglecting a vulnerable person. Police say Killam left his 25-year-old daughters in a parked RV without air conditioning or water while he and his girlfriend stayed overnight at a Laughlin hotel. Authorities say the deceased was autistic and the other sister also appeared to have mental disabilities. I would have given them the hotel room and stayed in the RV.

29 June 2016

Best incentive to get your read on

My reading choices would be about how to break out and how to not get raped to name a couple.

28 June 2016

THE BIG REVIEW: The best burger in the world

This is another Create Your Taste burger I've come up with - it has two grilled chicken fillets, three slices of bacon, a pineapple ring, barbecue sauce, jalapeƱos, and three different cheeses - Brie, Swiss, and Parmesan. Just scan the QR code at any participating McDonald's in New Zealand to order. And just like with the Ultimeatum, anyone who doesn't eat it is a chump!

26 June 2016

Another reason to cut the cancer sticks

An alarming new report shows that the battle against smoking is far from over. If you’re a smoker, a new study should alarm you — big time. The study, published in the journal BMC Public Health, found that there are some 4,800 chemicals in cigarette smoke — many of them being carcinogens — but most people who are smokers have no clue what they’re inhaling, according to a Biomed Central statement. The study argues that more information should be available to consumers about what’s in cigarette smoke to help them understand the true dangers of smoking. However, right now that’s not available to people, which is a big concern to health officials. And I'm sure Big Tobacco have a good reason to keep it that way - there's money to be had in their poison.

24 June 2016

Kingdom unites against the Union

That's right, British membership in the EU has come to an end after 43 years. Time for these two pieces to go to separate parts of this blue and green puzzle known as Earth.

23 June 2016

Calendar crisis in the Andes

Bolivian President Evo Morales has proposed that the Andean country replace the Gregorian calendar with the nation’s Indigenous peoples' calendar. Bolivia’s first Indigenous president, President Evo Morales said his country should consider abandoning the "colonial imposition" that is the Gregorian calendar. During a ceremonial event celebrating Inti Raymi, an ancient Incan tradition marking the winter solstice and honoring the sun, President Morales referred to the Gregorian calendar as “untidy.” “Therefore, we must reclaim our ancestral calendar as part of the rebuilding of our identity,” President Morales stated. Morales issued his comments on Tuesday as Bolivia celebrated the winter solstice, which is considered "day zero" in the indigenous calendar and marks the beginning of the arrival of the year 5524. President Morales, who declared the date a national holiday in 2010, has implemented a series of laws that aim to promote Bolivian national identity and abandon colonial cultural traditions. In 2014, the clock displayed on the Bolivian Congress building in La Paz was re-set to run in reverse, instead of clockwise, to reflect the country's location in the Southern Hemisphere. Since becoming elected in 2005, Morales’ political discourse has been largely based on the need to “decolonize the state” and combat racism. I agree with him. Our calendar isn't perfect - uneven month lengths, months begin on different days each year, not to mention Easter going all over the place. There are better calendars - just Google calendar reform.

21 June 2016

THE BIG REVIEW: Dealing with insurance

Especially when it comes to an experience that one should only wish on those truly deserving of it like Justin Bieber. Read this hard-luck story and sign their petition:

20 June 2016

Another raspberry bury in the air

A onetime business associate of Prince’s who ran the music star’s downtown Minneapolis nightclub in the 1990s was found dead over the weekend in his Minnetonka home. The associate, 48-year-old Paul Pudlitzke, was cold to the touch when emergency responders arrived at his house in the 5100 block of Woodhill Road about 8:30 a.m. local time Saturday, according to police dispatch communication. The person who called authorities to the scene told law enforcement that Pudlitzke had been using illicit drugs the previous night, the dispatches noted. Police have released only the sparest of information, saying Sunday morning that officers arrived to find a man not breathing and that he was dead in the home. Pudlitzke’s death comes nearly two months after Prince died at Paisley Park in Chanhassen from an accidental overdose of a potent opiate painkiller. This is why people shouldn't do drugs.

18 June 2016

Sanders not backing Killary Clin$anto

Bernie Sanders has declined to endorse Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, saying that he would continue to push for a "fundamental transformation" of the party up until its convention next month in Philadelphia. "The American people are hurting, and they are hurting badly," Sanders said during a news conference outside his Washington campaign office near Capitol Hill. "They want real change, not the same old, same old." Sanders' comments came as voters in the District of Columbia were casting the final ballots of the long Democratic nominating contest, and as Sanders and Clinton were preparing for a highly anticipated meeting Tuesday night to discuss the party's agenda heading into the fall election against presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump. Here's an idea for real change: the nominees should watch the new Michael Moore documentary Where to Invade Next, and look at implementing the ideas Moore discussed, especially the way Norway runs its prison system.

15 June 2016

Here's an excuse to curb your enthusiasm

Making good on years of tentative "we'll sees" from both the creator and network, Curb Your Enthusiasm will indeed return to HBO. The network on Tuesday announced a ninth season for the beloved Larry David comedy, though a formal return date was not included. Curb Your Enthusiasm last aired an original episode in September 2011, and the nearly five-year gap since has seen neither HBO nor David ready to publicly dismiss the idea of revisiting the show. On the network end, former programming president Michael Lombardo had said he was "cautiously optimistic" about more Curb — while David, in keeping with his schtick, often appeared less than optimistic in the many instances he's been pressed about the subject. On his decision to revisit his alter ego, David had this to say: “In the immortal words of Julius Caesar, ‘I left, I did nothing, I returned.’” And in the immortal words of network execs all throughout television land, let there be crap.

14 June 2016

THE BIG REVIEW: The lengths smokers will go to just to pump more cancer into their lungs

Three men armed with a firearm and a sword have robbed a Dunedin petrol station. Police said the men entered a petrol station in Hillside Rd, Forbury, about 1.50am on Monday. The men, who wore black clothing and had their faces covered, stole cash and tobacco. No one was injured, but come on. First fags getting shot at a nightclub, and now fags being stolen from a dairy. This sort of thing is why tobacco should be banned instead of just raising taxes. If Bhutan is able to say no to that evil poison, why can't the rest of us?

11 June 2016

A few untrustworthy men

Left: Rapist Brock Turner 
Right: Corrupt judge Aaron Persky
Bottom Left: Disgusting man and father, Dan Turner 
Bottom Right: Attorney Mike Armstrong 

4 despicable men, all who deserve to have their sick faces blasted on the internet. 

7 June 2016

THE BIG REVIEW: The fact that justice will not be served

The verdict is in, and it's a no-go. Even though the mother was clearly at fault for not supervising her child, they're not going to file charges. This is just stupid. May the forces of all that is right prevail in the end.

6 June 2016

Will there be justice for Harambe?

At 1pm Eastern Daylight Time, Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters will make the final determination as to whether or not charges of any type will be filed against the mother of the 3-year-old that entered the gorilla enclosure at the Cincinnati Zoo on May 28, 2016. No matter what happens, we CAN - if we all work together - continue to work to educate, raise awareness, and help save the Western Lowland Gorilla. Or, we can choose to simply "move on" like the detractors have been suggesting. It's up to all of you. Especially you, Mr. Deters. If the mother had been paying attention to her son, she would have been able to stop him from entering the enclosure and Harambe wouldn't have been shot. She should be prosecuted or at the very least banned from the zoo for a lengthy period of time. She should be made to accept responsibility, for accepting responsibility is how we all learn from our mistakes and better ourselves. My sister has two children, a girl aged 3 and a boy aged 19 months, and I can assure you she is a much better parent than to let her kids play in a gorilla enclosure unsupervised. One of the main reasons our society is in the mess it's in is because there are individuals that don't take that responsibility. Let's hope that changes tomorrow and there's one mother that admits and acknowledges her role in the chain of events that led up to the death of Harambe. And a sincere message of sympathy for the loss of Harambe would be a good first step in healing wounds.