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31 May 2020

The Almighty Peso: Now available in stacked calendar form

13 May 2020

The quarantine is over, NZ

But the pigs still need to enforce the restrictions on mass gatherings (10 per group and 100 total not including staff). To that end, a bill giving them sweeping powers to enter homes without warrants while enforcing Covid-19 alert level rules has passed into Law without Consultation of the Public or Select Committee.

1 May 2020

It’s never the time to cough

Pretty much the central theme to the news cycle of the last month is the coronavirus pandemic. This is where April 2020’s induction to the Disseminators of the Truth Sick Phoque Club, Raymond Coombs, comes in. This covidiot (and yes, that is a word) filmed himself coughing on supermarket shoppers and was facing charges of criminal nuisance and failing to follow a Medical Officer of Health's orders. The criminal nuisance charge has been amended to one of offensive behaviour, and the other has been dropped. Coombs has pleaded guilty to the former, and been convicted. Coombs sparked outrage over the weekend when he filmed himself coughing and sneezing on customers in the Barrington Fresh Choice, and posted it on Facebook.

This was not the first time Coombs' attempt at a prank has got him in trouble. In 2009 he was sentenced to two years and three months imprisonment after pleading guilty for leaving dry-ice bottle bombs around Christchurch and injuring a man named Brian Chambers when one of the bottles exploded.

Coombs' lawyer says he'd been watching prank videos on Youtube before he recorded the footage of himself pretending to cough on fellow shoppers at the Barrington Fresh Choice. I also watch prank videos on YouTube, but that doesn’t mean I’m going round trying to be the next Jack Doherty, who I understand is himself in serious trouble with the police and possibly the FBI after crashing multiple Zoom classes.