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30 June 2019

The Great Dissection - Part 14

We start tonight’s share of the reading with a talk on how numbers aren’t everything: “In 2019, we currently have the largest number of people of our race in history(between 760-980million depending on definitions),yet we are losing even our smallest towns to ethnic replacement. Numbers aren’t everything, ten lions are worth of thousand sheep.The reason we are currently losing our lands is not due to a lack of numbers, or wealth, or military force. It is due to a lack of will.” Of course numbers aren’t everything. A good application of this Tarrantism would be in personal finances: just because you have enough in your account for such-and-such an item doesn’t mean you should just go buy it, especially if you have bills to pay. If my January 2019 self is reading this, she needs to be taking this in: just because you have $400 in savings doesn’t mean you need that MacBook Pro you saw at Cash Converters. Oh, and be at the mosque on the 15th of March. There is free money to the tune of $17,000+ for everyone who was there that day, and once that appears in your account, you can get a brand new MacBook Pro and even an iPhone XS Max and have a shit ton left to pay off your credit card and your student loan. The payout is triple if you get shot, and almost double that if you lose a family member. Think it over.

Next part reiterates the first sentence of the manifesto: It’s the birthrates. “Even if all invaders are deported tomorrow and all traitors are dealt with as they truly deserve, we are still living on borrowed time. Whether it takes ten years or a thousands years, whilst we are facing birth rates at sub-replacement levels, then our people are dying.” So how does he propose we fix it? “The issue is complicated, far more complicated and difficult to fix than the issue of Ethnic replacement. Likely a new society will need to be created with a much greater focus on family values, gender and social norms and the value and importance of nature, culture and race.” Either way, without children, there is no future.

And last bit for tonight is a much-needed swipe at democracy: “This solution of a Democratic salvation is nothing but a pipe dream, and as our enemies increase within our lands, driven by mass immigration and the invaders own higher birth rate it will be pushed further and further into the realms of impossibility. The media of the world will be used against you, the education system of the rulers will be used against you, the financial power of the worlds corporations will be used against you, the military and legislative might of the UN, the EU and NATO itself will be used against you and even your own, previously corrupted, religious leaders will be used against you.” All I have to say is this: stay woke, Brenton. Everyone else, do not suffer under the delusion of a democratic victory. Prepare for war; prepare for violence; prepare for risk, loss, and struggle; it is the only path to victory. It got rid of Hitler and Mussolini.


The Great Dissection - Part 13

Tonight’s post starts with a good analogy: “When you discover a nest of vipers in your yard, do you spare the adolescents? Do you allow them to grow freely, openly, to one day bite you child as they play in their own yard? No. You burn the nest and kill the vipers, no matter their age.” And that analogy is put into use later in the page: “Few parents, regardless of circumstance, will willing risk the lives of their children, no matter the economic incentives. Therefore, once we show them the risk of bringing their offspring to our soil, they will avoid our lands. It will be distasteful, it will be damaging to the soul, but know that it is necessary and any invader you spare, no matter the age, will one day be an enemy your people must face. Better for you to face them now then your kin to face them in the future.

So where do we go to get them taken out? The cities. Why? Because that’s where they tend to make their homes. “Run towards the cities, run towards the conflict,run towards the enemy, fleeing from the enemy is cowardice. The countrysides are already ours, as they have always been. The people of the countrysides are already traditional, already close to nature, already supportive of their people. Its the cities where the struggle lies, its the cities where the invaders have massed, its the cities where the marxists have poisoned the institutions, its the cities where the traitorous media and corporations lie and its the cities where the anti-white politicians and the NGOs make their homes.

The next page is where he talks about supporting what he calls brother nations: “When one country moves ,you move with them, support them financially, politically, socially and physically. They may be able to discredit one small movement, from one nation. But when Europeans from all countries and continents move to back their brothers, they cannot possibly attack any one group.” And that support can come in any form, even fighting alongside those nations in battle: “Support them physically, be ready to put boots on the ground, send them weapons and munitions, attack their enemies. If the media or state in your region attacks them, destroy the corporation and traitorous politicians responsible. Physical force is the ultimate form of support.

One more page for tonight, which starts off like so: “Death is certain, you may die in service to some grand crusade or pass away in a hospice, either way you will die. What matters is your actions during the brief time between birth and death. The worth of your life is not measured by the length of your life, but your actions during it.” Ask yourselves this: what have you done in your life so far? And have you ever been bold enough to actually do anything of value? “Embrace infamy: the enemies of your people will beset upon you, on all sides. The media will paint you as villains, the state will name you as traitors, the globalist forces will name you as criminals and the traitors amongst your people will name you as enemies. You will be infamous until victory is achieved. Take it with a smile.” Lots of people have defied convention and produced something great. What’s your excuse?

28 June 2019

The Great Dissection - Part 12

We start tonight’s section with a piece on drug dealers: “Poison sellers and toxin spreaders are free to proliferate their baneful products completely unchecked by law or society. Each year these degenerates are responsible for tens of thousands of deaths, in our own cities and across the globe. Both illegal and legal drug dealers are our racial enemies, ruining the health, wealth, family structure, culture and future of our people.These peddlers of filth are active in every nation and behave without any thought of their impact on their societies.” Go after the drug pushers by all means, but start on Big Pharma. It’s the only way.

The next page, Europe for Europeans, effectively reiterates his wish to be free of the Muslim “invaders”: “The invaders must be removed from European soil, regardless from where they came or when they came. Roma, African, Indian, Turkish, Semitic or other. If they are not of our people, but live in our lands, they must be removed.

And if you want to do that, you need to show some initiative and take responsibility for yourself in doing so. Sayeth Brenton: “Stop waiting for someone else to show you the way forward, YOU are the way forward, waiting around for someone to start the fight is moronic, because it is YOU that is going to start the fight, If you are reading this, you are the new leaders that will push our people to victory, you are the soldiers that will fight for the future of your race. The people speaking now, acting now, fighting now, are the vanguard of the vanguard of the force of the people.” That goes for all of you armchair activists and keyboard warriors glued to your smartphones. If you want change, stop talking about the need for change and just do it already. Talking about it may be a powerful tool to spread awareness for your cause, but what’s talk without action?

Last page for tonight, he speaks of how it’s never wise to become a minority group: “In every country, on every continent, those that are in the minority are oppressed. If you become a social, political or ethnic minority it will always lead to your oppression. Whether they are a political minority and therefore lose the control of the majority of power, and thus lose control of the laws and regulations that define public life or those that are the cultural minority find that art in all its forms is created and controlled by a different audience, from a different people from a different history, with differing ideals and experiences and therefore they find themselves isolated, excluded and removed from the creation of contemporary culture.” The run-on sentence with incomplete punctuation and dropping of the Oxford commas just scream shit grammar to me. But yes, we do need to improve the situation for minority groups.

The Great Dissection - Part 11

We continue through his many thoughts, starting with his understandable wish to have his people blitz to positions of authority: “While the lefts march through the institutions was long and ultimately successful we must achieve the same, but in a much shorter time period. Due to the threat of ethnic replacement and our own horribly low birth rates, we do not have 150 years or even 50 years to achieve positions of power. We must be intrinsically leveraged into the political, militaristic, judicial, educational and economic institutions, and within 25 years.
We do not have the luxury of time like the left had, we must be ready to act, and act soon. That means those that can, or have the ability should look to ingrain themselves into these institutions and climb as far up the power hierarchy as possible, in the shortest time possible. When the time comes you must be ready to act.

In the next page, he concedes that “Whilst we may use edgy humour and memes in the vanguard stage, and to attract a young audience, eventually we will need to show the reality of our thoughts and our more serious intents and wishes for the future. For now we appeal to the anger and black comedic nature of the present, but eventually we will need to show the warmth and genuine love we have for our people.

The next page, he talks about how there is no sheltered meadow: “There is nowhere left to run, turn around, face your enemy, make your stand. There is not a single place left where the tendrils of replacement migration have not touched. There is no single place in the West that is even close to reaching replacement level birthrates, let alone birthrates that indicate a level of vitality and vigour.” So here’s his advice to us all: “Don’t run from the fight, run towards the fight. Look to the heart of the conflict, march yourself there, press yourself into service. Give your everything to your people.

He also has advice on how emotions rule over facts: “Stop trying to persuade the general population with statistics, charts, tablets and figures. A a one-point-seven percentage point difference may mean something to a few, but a ingeniously worded expression or brilliantly crafted poster will convince the many.
Humans are emotional, they are driven by emotions, guided by emotions and seek emotion expressions and experiences. Monotonous repetition of immigration facts and statistics will simply bore the masses, and drive the people away from the stale and uninspired speakers that propagate them.” So what should we do instead? “Be creative, be expressive, be emotional and above all be passionate. These are the things that speak to people, connect people, drive people. Paint, write, sing, dance, recite poetry. Hell, even meme. Create memes, post memes, and spread memes. Memes have done more for the ethno-nationalist movement than any manifesto.” So then he should have done that instead of putting out 74 rushed pages of typos.

Last one for tonight: “For too long those who have profited most from the importation of cheap labour have gone unpunished. The economic elites who line their pockets with the profit received from our own ethnic replacement. These greed filled bastards expect to replace our people with a race of low intellect, low agency, muddled, muddied masses just so their own wealth and power can increase.” That’s the American dream right there - outsource the work to China and India so you don’t have to pay them a fair wage. Apple did the opposite a few years ago, and now we’re paying the price with more expensive tech - the largest storage option on the iPhone XS (512 GB) costs $2599 ($2799 for the XS Max) in New Zealand, so I won’t be upgrading again anytime soon.

26 June 2019

The Great Dissection - Part 10

Yesterday, we took a break from our series on The Great Replacement to commemorate the tenth anniversary of Michael Jackson’s passing. But we’re back with another 10 - the tenth post about one of the most controversial pieces of literature to define our era.

We start on a very strong message about how we should venerate our ancestors but work for our children: “Your ancestors did not sweat,bleed and die in the name of a multicultural, egalitarian nation. They built homes for their children to live in, they built communities for their people to thrive in, they built nations for their people to survive in. They slaved for a better future for their people, and now other peoples shake their fists and point their fingers, reprimanding us for living better lives, wealthier lives in wealthier countries. This wealth and prosperity was paid for in the sweat and blood of your ancestors. Our present comfortable, privileged and prosperous life was gifted to us by our forebears, with the belief that we would maintain, cherish and even expand upon their work, so that one day our own children can enjoy the rewards of our labour.

And he talks of the concept of a soldier’s fight: “The ideal of a heroic war, without loss, without failure, without some great setback, is idealistic and downright impossible. Even at Vienna in 1683 we Europeans still lost over fourteen thousand good men. That was during a triumphant VICTORY.

Last bit for today: he talks of a double standard which is so intense, all the way. But what does it mean? I’ll tell you what it means: “If you were to kill sixty armed invaders having shown the will and the intent to bring harm to your nation and people, you would be hailed a hero, given your nations highest civilian honours, paraded before the media and the adoring public. But kill sixty unarmed invaders having shown the will and the intent to bring harm to your nation and people, and you will be considered a monster, dragged through the streets, ridiculed, attacked,your character assassinated in every way it can be and finally tried in court and imprisoned for the rest of your life.” But the real kicker, according to him, is that the unarmed invader is far more dangerous to our people than the armed invader, hence the timing of the first shots on March 15 when they were praying and not slaying.

In loving memory of a smooth criminal

25 June 2019

The Great Dissection - Part 9

We’re almost halfway in and we’re about to touch on a few very good points, for instance the failure of assimilation: “Expecting immigrants to assimilate to a dying, decadent culture is laughable. Who would willing leave their own strong, dominant and rising culture to join an elderly, decaying, degenerate culture? What culture would entice a man, one of traditions, beauty, architecture, art and prosperity, or a culture of decay, self-hatred, childlessness, disorder and nihilism?” That’s right, folks. We have ourselves to blame for what our culture has become.

And he also talks of how “There is no Conservatism without nature, there is no nationalism without environmentalism, the natural environment of our lands shaped us just as we shaped it. We were born from our lands and our own culture was molded by these same lands .The protection and preservation of these lands is of the same importance as the protection and preservation of our own ideals and beliefs.” Yes, people. We all need the environment. We gotta look after it. And we gotta stop bringing so many people in, for “There is no Green future with never ending population growth, the ideal green world cannot exist in a World of 100 billion 50 billion or even 10 billion people. Continued immigration into Europe is environmental warfare and ultimately destructive to nature itself.

The next page talks of his desire to get rid of high-profile enemies. “There are well known enemies of our nations, enemies of our race that freely walk through our societies, heads held high, believing themselves untouchable. They will soon find out how wrong they truly are. Traitors deserve a traitors death. No matter if it takes 3 years or 30 years, these people must pay for their disgusting attacks upon our race.

Starting with German chancellor Angela Merkel: “Merkel, the mother of all things anti-white and anti-germanic, is top of the list. Few have done more to damage and racially cleanse Europe of its people.

Next up is Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan: “Erdogan, the leader of one of the oldest enemies of our people, and the leader of the largest islamic group within Europe. This warlord must bleed his last, whilst he visits his ethnic soldiers currently occupying Europe. His death will also drive a wedge between the Turk invaders currently occupying our lands and the ethnic European people whilst simultaneously weakening Turkeys hold on the region, removing a prime enemy of Russia and destabilizing and fracturing NATO.

Last but not least: “Sadiq Khan, The current mayor of London at the time of writing, an open sign of the disenfranchisement and ethnic replacement of the british people in the british isles. This Pakistani muslim invader now sits as representative for the people of London. Londinium ,the very heart of the British isles. What better sign of the white rebirth than the removal of this invader?

I will end tonight with his take on the paradox of the diverse equality: “The greatest joke of all is the quixotic foolishness of the diverse but equal society. Diversity by its very definition belies equality. No two different things can ever truly be equal, especially humans. There is no one person equal to any other, not identical twins, not countrymen, not workers within a class group and certainly not those of differing races. Every human is worth only their own value, no more or less.
The more diverse a group becomes, the less equal it becomes. Diversity is anathema to equality. One cannot exist with the other.

23 June 2019

The Great Dissection - Part 8

The radicalization of young Western men is not just unavoidable, but inevitable. It should come as no shock that European men, in every nation, and on every continent are turning to radical notions and methods to combat the social and moral decay of their nations and the continued ethnic replacement of their people. Those are the words of Brenton Harrison Tarrant, who is about as radical as they come.

During the same 2½-page rant, he does a huge run-on paragraph about our world circa 2019: “Broken families with soaring divorce rates, that’s if they even bother to get married at all.Suicide rates climbing year by year, not just for adults, by even teens and children as well and the only time people seem to even notice is when one of their own idols commits the act(singers, sports stars, actors). Drug use at all levels of society, in all age groups, any source of distraction or relief to escape a culture of nihilism. Rampant urbanization and industrialization, ever expanding cities and shrinking forests, a complete removal of man from nature, with the obvious results.
Pedophile politicians, pedophile priests and pedophile pop stars, demonstrating to all the true depravity of our age. Art and beauty subverted beyond all recognition, bauhaus travesties replacing nouveau wonders,soulless metropolitan architecture of glass and steel reflecting no society, no culture, no people and therefore belonging everywhere, and
no where. Suicidal, nihilistic and degenerate pop icons produced from a dead culture: Michael Jackson(pedophile, self hating, self mutilating, opiod addict);Madonna(degenerate,drug addict, childless, whore, anti-christian, pro miscegenation) Kurt Cobain(suicidal, drug addict, self hater, anti-social), Freddy Mercury(lifelong identity crisis, lifelong battle with hedonism and drug use, eventual death due to sexual hedonism)just to name a few.Empty nurseries, full casinos, empty churches and full mosques, entropy in blitzspeed.Politicians writ in the same ink as Eligabolus, worshiping all that is foreign, poisonous and subversive.” Can’t even spell opioid correctly. Should have just kept the 240-page original instead of trying to rush 74 pages in two weeks.

But there is one take-home from tonight: once the corporate and state medias grip on the zeitgeist of modernity was finally broken by the internet,true freedom of thought and discussion flourished and the overton window was not just shifted, but shattered. All possibility of expression and belief was open to be taught, discussed and spoken.
This open and often anonymous discussion allowed for information, outside of the states and the corporation control, to be accessed often for the first time. The result is obvious. People are finding their way home. Finding their people, finding their traditions, seeing through the lies of history, the brainwashing of the institutions and they angry, they are energized and yes, against their degenerate societies, they are radicalized. And I for one am fine with that. Radicalisation is the root of independent voice as we know it.

22 June 2019

The Great Dissection - Part 7

New section tonight: general thoughts and potential strategies. Starting with who he feels is to blame: “The people who are to blame most are ourselves, european men. Strong men do not get ethnically replaced, strong men do not allow their culture to degrade, strong men do not allow their people to die. Weak men have created this situation and strong men are needed to fix it.” And you think shooting up a mosque during Friday prayers makes you strong? As Robbie Williams once sang, you think that you’re strong, you’re wrong, you’re wrong.

The next part talks about the rape of British women by Muslims, and ends with what pretty much sums up any sane person’s feelings about rape in general: “Finally I would like to send a message to the perpetrators of these attacks, and their families. You will hang. If you are released we will find you and kill you, if you are in prison we will reach you there, if you try to hide these rapist scum we will kill you as well.” This rather emotive paragraph should obviously apply to all rapists.

The next page, ‘Diversity is weak’, starts with one of the greatest mysteries of our time: “Why is diversity said to be our greatest strength? Does anyone even ask why? It is spoken like a mantra and repeated ad infinitum “diversity is our greatest strength, diversity is our greatest strength, diversity is our greatest strength...”. Said throughout the media, spoken by politicians, educators and celebrities. But no one ever seems to give a reason why.

Here’s one of his reasons why not: “The United states is one of the most diverse nations on Earth, and they are about an inch away from tearing each other to pieces. Brazil with all its racial diversity is completely fractured as a nation, where people cannot get along and separate and self segregate whenever possible. South Africa with all its “diversity” is turning into a bloody backwater as its diversity increases, black on other black, black on white, white on black, black on Indian, doesn’t not matter, its ethnicity vs ethnicity. They all turn on each other in the end.” Maybe. And now for a part I do agree with: UNITY IS STRENGTH. And he’ll have plenty of time to work on his atrocious grammar while behind bars; if he puts out a sequel, hopefully “doesn’t not matter” won’t be part of it.

33 pages in one week. That’s more reading than anybody ever does anymore. How does one avoid becoming part of the problem? Simple: PICK UP A GODDAMN BOOK AND READ ONCE IN A WHILE.

21 June 2019

The Great Dissection - Part 6

I’m now at the point where he addresses various groups, starting with the conservatives, and I pretty much agree with what he put to paper in that section. Especially right at the end: “Not a thing has been conserved other than corporate profits and the the ever increasing wealth of the 1% that exploit the people for their own benefit.

Next port of call: the Christians. “The people worthy of glory, the people blessed by God Our Lord, moan and fall under the weight of these outrages and most shameful humiliations.” This pretty much sums up how the Muslim community feel about people shooting up their mosques.

And this is his full address to the antifa/communists/marxists: “I do not want to convert you, I do not want to come to an understanding. Egalitarians and those that believe in heirachy will never come to terms.I don’t want you by my side or I don’t want share power.
I want you in my sights. I want your neck under my boot.
SEE YOU ON THE STREETS YOU ANTI-WHITE SCUM”. Of course they will never come to terms if he’s just gonna threaten violence. And on the subject of the threats made, I want his neck under my boot, just like everyone else who lives in Christchurch. Children as young as four were among the dead.

His last address is to the Turks and ends “We are coming for Constantinople and we will destroy every mosque and minaret in the city.
The Hagia Sophia will be free of minarets and Constantinople will be rightfully christian owned once more.” First off, it’s Istanbul. Secondly, the city is divided between both sides of the Bosphorus (which he actually managed to spell correctly both times he wrote it) and those on the western side can always just move across should it all turn to shit. And lastly, the Hagia Sofia isn’t used as a mosque or any religious building anymore. It’s been that way since the days of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.

20 June 2019

The Great Dissection - Part 5

Now for the fun bit - the FAQ’s of his detractors and his attempts to poke holes in their logic. Here’s my favourite one, where he tells the democracy myth like it is: “Democracy is mob rule and the mob itself is ruled by our enemies. The global and corporate run press controls them, the education system(long since fallen to the long march through the institutions carried out by the marxists)controls them, the state(long since heavily lost to its corporate backers)controls them and the anti-white media machine controls them.
Do not suffer under the delusion of an effortless, riskless democratic victory.
Prepare for war, prepare for violence and prepare for risk, loss, struggle, death.
Force is the only path to power and the only path to true victory.

And he states the obvious when it comes to his reasons as to the focus on Islam when the high fertility rates are the issue: “Historical, societal and statistical reasons. They are the most despised group of invaders in the West, attacking them receives the greatest level of support. They are also one of the strongest groups, with high fertility, high in group preference and a will to conquer.

Tomorrow night, we will dissect his addresses to various groups.

19 June 2019

The Great Dissection - Part 4

We are only a quarter of the way in, and we’re approaching the good stuff, for example the crowd he’s been hanging with: “Luca Traini, Anders Breivik, Dylan Roof, Anton Lundin Pettersson, Darren Osbourne etc.” and the comparisons to Nelson Mandela: “I do not just expected to be released, but I also expect an eventual Nobel Peace prize.As was awarded to the Terrorist Nelson Mandela once his own people achieved victory and took power.
I expect to be freed in 27 years from my incarceration, the same number of years as Mandela, for the same crime.

And the whole story apparently can’t be told in just 74 pages: “Is this your complete writings and views?
Unfortunately not, there was a much larger work written, roughly 240 pagies long that spoke on many issues and went into much depth, but in a moment of unbridled self criticism, I deleted the entire work and started again, two weeks before the attack itself.
I was left with a short period of time to create a new work and only leave my views half finished. I will let my actions speak for themselves.” You heard right, people. He had to write 74 pages in two weeks. No wonder it’s so full of typos. And the manifesto could have been three times as long.

18 June 2019

The Great Dissection - Part 3

A few pages down from where we left off are his views on Trump, Brexit, and Front National: “Were/are you a supporter of Donald Trump?
As a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose? Sure. As a policy maker and leader? Dear god no.

Were/are you a supporter of Brexit?
Yes, though not for an official policy made. The truth is that eventually people must face the fact that it wasn’t a damn thing to do with the economy.That it was the British people firing back at mass immigration, cultural displacement and globalism, and that’s a great and wonderful thing.

Were/are you a supporter of Front National?
No,they’re a party of milquetoast civic nationalist boomers, completely incapable of creating real change and with no actual viable plan to save their nation.

And I know what you’re all thinking - by living in New Zealand, isn’t he an immigrant himself? Let’s see what he has to say about that: “Yes, and it seems we immigrants seem to bring a whole host of issues. Nah, not really.An Australian living in New Zealand is much the same as an Austrian living in Bavaria. They aren’t going to ethnically replace the people, nor change the nations culture.They are the same people, they are the same culture.” No, Australians and New Zealanders are not exactly the same. We have different tastes in pretty much a lot of things, for instance sport. Aussie Rules isn’t really understood by most Kiwis.

And a few questions down, we see how video games helped: “Yes, Spyro the dragon 3 taught me ethno-nationalism. Fortnite trained me to be a killer and to floss on the corpses of my enemies.” Seriously, Fortnite? That douche was into Fortnite? And blaming his ethno-nationalistic tendencies on a harmless purple dragon just because everyone else is off limits in these PC times - tut tut tut. But at least we know he’s got taste. He was, however, a bit ambiguous on what exactly was meant by “Spyro the dragon 3” - did he mean the entire trilogy or just the third game, Year of the Dragon? I’m picking the latter.

17 June 2019

The Great Dissection - Part 2

Seriously, did you need to use “to the attack” twice in a row?

“There was a period of time 2 years prior to the attack to the attack that dramatically changed my views.The period of time was from, beginning of April,2017 until the end May,2017.”

That whole first sentence needs fixing. I would have suggested instead: two years prior to the attack, there was a period of time that dramatically changed my views. And the word removalist in the phrase “kebab removalist” doesn’t seem familiar to most of you, but it’s used in Brenton’s native Australia as a word for a domestic removals company, and has also been used to mean one who advocates the removal of native populations from their land; see Wiktionary entry at

For a complete amateur, he seems to have the terrorist game all figured out. For instance, his reasoning as to why New Zealand: “New Zealand was not the original choice for attack, I only arrived to New Zealand to live temporarily whilst I planned and trained, but I soon found out that New Zealand was as target rich of an environment as anywhere else in the West.
Secondly an attack in New Zealand would bring to attention the truth of the assault on our civilization, that no where in the world was safe, the invaders were in all of our lands, even in the remotest areas of the world and that there was no where left to go that was safe and free from mass immigration.” And why guns instead of real terrorist weapons like bombs: “I chose firearms for the affect it would have on social discourse, the extra media coverage they would provide and the affect it could have on the politics of United states and thereby the political situation of the world. The US is torn into many factions by its second amendment, along state, social, cultural and, most importantly, racial lines.
With enough pressure the left wing within the United states will seek to abolish the second amendment, and the right wing within the US will see this as an attack on their very freedom and liberty.
This attempted abolishment of rights by the left will result in a dramatic polarization of the people in the United States and eventually a fracturing of the US along cultural and racial lines.” Yes, abolishment. When abolition would have clearly made more sense. No class whatsoever. But I don’t really expect better from him, he is after all an Aussie.

16 June 2019

The Great Dissection - Part 1

It’s the birthrates. And it’s also the shit punctuation. I’ve only made it to the start of the Q&A and I have already noticed a few punctuation errors in the document. This is what the end of the introduction looks like:

“To return to replacement fertility levels is priority number one. But it is no simple task.There are myriad reasons behind the decline in fertility rates and the destruction of the traditional family unit.
We must inevitably correct the disaster of hedonistic,nihilistic individualism. But it will take take some time, time we do not have due to the crisis of mass immigration.
Due to mass immigration we lack the time scale required to enact the civilizational paradigm shift we need to undertake to return to health and prosperity.
Mass immigration will disenfranchise us,subvert our nations, destroy our communities, destroy our ethnic binds, destroy our cultures, destroy our peoples.
Long before low fertility levels ever could.Thus, before we deal with the fertility rates, we must deal with both the invaders within our lands and the invaders that seek to enter our lands.”

He was in a bit of a rush to have the manifesto ready on the day of the attack, and in his haste, he forgot to check the full stops and commas for spaces after them. But as my journey through the manifesto progresses, we will get to know the real Brenton. More will be up tomorrow.

15 June 2019

MELISSA DISSECTS: The Great Replacement

Today marks three months since the mosques in Christchurch were both shot up during the Friday prayers, causing the loss of now 51 lives. The suspect is allegedly the author of a 74-page manifesto titled "The Great Replacement", a reference to the "Great Replacement" and "white genocide" conspiracy theories. It said the attacks were planned two years prior, and that Christchurch was chosen over his original target, al-Huda in Dunedin, three months prior. Minutes before the attacks began, the manifesto was emailed to more than 30 recipients, including the prime minister's office and several media outlets, and links were shared on Twitter and 8chan. In the manifesto several anti-immigrant sentiments are expressed, including hate speech against migrants, white supremacist rhetoric, and calls for all non-European immigrants in Europe who are claimed to be "invading his land" to be removed. The manifesto displays neo-Nazi symbols such as the Black Sun and the Odin's cross. However, the author denies being a Nazi, describing himself instead as an "ethno-nationalist", an "eco-fascist", and a "kebab removalist", the latter in reference to a meme exalting the genocide of Bosnian Muslims that occurred during the Bosnian War. The author cites Norwegian terrorist Anders Behring Breivik and others as an inspiration. He says he supports U.S. president Donald Trump as "a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose", but not as "a policy maker and leader".

The manifesto has been deemed "objectionable" by the Chief Censor of New Zealand, making it unlawful to possess or distribute it in New Zealand. But that’s not gonna stop me, just like with a post last year where I named the shithead that killed Grace Millane despite some stupid name suppression order the courts issued. I have a copy of Australia’s answer to Mein Kampf on my phone, and over the coming week, I will put all 74 pages of pure horseshit under the microscope for an exclusive insight into the warped mind that is Brenton Harrison Tarrant.

13 June 2019

MELISSA DISSECTS: has been moved to Saturday

Because if Saturday night’s all right for fighting, then how about doing some dissecting while you’re at it to see just what makes the douche you’re fighting tick?

7 June 2019

New feature coming to the blog

As Sir Michael Philip Jagger, one of the greatest philosophers of our time once said, you can't always get what you want, but if you try some time, well you just might find you get what you need. What this blog needs is something better than the shit that passes for a post these days, and if the words of a rocket man named Sir Reginald Kenneth Dwight are true and Saturday night is indeed all right for fighting, then Sunday is all right for dissecting the fight and what caused it etc. But the dissecting we do here is not about fights. Just like the Weekly Gross-Out and the Big Review of old, a new weekly feature will dissect just about anything I come across. And Friday night is all right for that sort of dissecting, so next Friday, brace yourself for the first ever Melissa Dissects.

2 June 2019

Touch-up for the Touch

Earlier this week the iPod touch received a modest upgrade, arriving with little fanfare via an Apple press release. The new 7th-generation iPod touch has little in the way of new features, but it does receive a CPU spec-bump that takes it from an iPhone 6-era Apple A8 to an iPhone 7-era A10 Fusion chip, not to mention double the RAM of the previous generation. The new hardware upgrades make it so that iPod touch users can enjoy Augmented Reality (AR) apps along with Group FaceTime capability for the first time. There’s also a new 256 GB flash storage tier, another first for the iPod lineup. It means that in 2019, there’s finally an iPod that bests the 160GB iPod Classic in terms of storage space. While the iPod touch isn’t the mass market item that earlier members of the product line once were, Apple believes that there continues to be a viable audience for such a device. Not only is it ideal for storing large music libraries locally, but with the upcoming launch of the new Apple Arcade subscription gaming service, Apple continues to position the iPod touch as a handheld gaming option.

All of that said, should you consider buying this new iPod touch? If you want to waste your money on what is essentially either a tiny iPad or a phone that can’t phone when an iPhone would be a better option, then be my guest. You were probably better off being that loser with an Android.