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30 November 2021

How bears do Noël

The ring is the pin

This has been a red draw

2 November 2021

She can’t even keep Covid out of the South Island

It’s called daylight savings and it ends in North America this coming weekend

Third protest’s the charm

And it’s also where October 2021’s induction into the Sick Phoque Club is headed: everyone who had attended the lockdown protests that month. For the third time in six weeks, a large number of anti-lockdown protesters have met at Auckland Domain. As with previous events, people have been expressing their dislike of Covid-19 restrictions and the vaccine rollout. Some people are wearing masks, while others are not.  Police say up to 5000 people gathered in the Domain, in breach of Alert Level 3 restrictions, and prosecutions are likely to follow in the coming days. Come on, guys. 5000 is more than what’s allowed even under Level 2. Please, if you’re going to attend protests during a pandemic, bear this in mind: