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29 September 2010

Is Stuxnet the answer to our world's woes?

This complex computer worm is capable of seizing control of industrial plants. This malware has already affected several computers used by staff that work at Bushehr, which is about to become Iran's first nuclear power plant. Nuclear power may be a renewable source of energy but it's just dangerous and there's the risk of a huge radioactive cloud forming after an explosion like what happened at Chernobyl. And besides, Iran is in enough hot water over its nuclear program. If Iran wants to use other aspects of the program for nuclear weaponry, then they could collaborate with the United States and after withdrawing American forces from Iraq and Afghanistan, Obama could then re-assign the entire defence force, including the Reserves and National Guard, to North Korea, and the nuclear weapons could then be aimed at getting rid of that tyrant Kim Jong-Il.

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