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5 February 2011

Looks like we’re not the only ones not taking a stand against tobacco

I saw the movie Wild Target today. Before it, they left the British Board of Film Classification label on, and the rating given out was 12A, which means that children under 12 can get in if supervised by an adult. But enough about that: one sight that would grind the gears of any Harry Potter fan would be a few scenes where a character played by Rupert Grint (who played Ron Weasley in all eight Harry Potter movies) was smoking. I’m actually more concerned about the children who will probably want to see the film just for Rupert Grint because they might either take up smoking “because Ron Weasley does it” or think less of the Harry Potter franchise as a whole. In Britain, local councils can alter any film’s rating and bind all cinemas within their jurisdiction to their decisions, and the least they could’ve done was bump up the rating to 15 (the next one up and it means that nobody under 15 is allowed in full stop) so as not to destroy the Harry Potter franchise’s reputation.

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