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3 April 2011

I thought that bellend wasn't going to burn a Koran

When you're scared of something different, it's best to try it because then you might like it. But not like Terry Jones did: the Florida-based pastor held a self-styled mock trial of the Koran last month in which he presided from the pulpit as judge. The prosecutor was a Christian who had converted from Islam, and an imam from Dallas defended the Koran. After listening to arguments from both sides, the jury (consisting of 12 members of Mr. Jones’s church, the Dove World Outreach Center) pronounced the Koran guilty of five “crimes against humanity,” including the promotion of terrorist acts and “the death, rape, and torture of people worldwide whose only crime is not being of the Islamic faith.” In a statement today, Mr. Jones demanded that the United States and United Nations take “immediate action” against Muslim nations in retaliation for the deaths, and that the time had come to hold Islam accountable. This is not the right way to handle the differences between religions. At least that bellend was decent enough to hold a trial before burning a Koran, but next time, I'd recommend, among other things, a more impartial jury.

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