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21 September 2012

Apple in the Maps game

The South Korean Navy fired warning shots to ward off North Korean fishing boats that were spotted south of the maritime border between the two countries, the South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff said today. The North Korean vessels crossed back over the border, known as the Northern Limit Line, following the warning shots. But enough about that, because there's something else that people are taking a shot at: Apple's Maps app. The Washington Monument towers above the National Mall in Washington, directly between the U.S. Capitol to the east and the Lincoln Memorial to the west. But Apple seems to think it lies several hundred yards to the south, near the Potomac River. The mistake appears to be one of many in Apple's new mobile maps, which replaced Google Maps as the default map application in iOS 6, the new operating system for iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touches. Apple has faced a chorus of complaints since iOS 6 was made available for download on Wednesday, and the griping will likely grow louder as people get their hands on new iPhone 5s. But you must remember that this is Apple's first crack at a Maps app. It may be a huge downgrade from what Google were offering, but I'm sure Apple will get it right one day.

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