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9 May 2013

Tales of the Subconscious - coming to a theatre near you!

Researchers are developing technology that can change the outcome of films based on the subconscious desires of the audience. Could it spell the end for the familiar sense of disappointment at movie endings? Maybe, but for now, we should be worried about a poisonous moth caterpillar which is on the increase in some parts of the UK, having been found in South London and Berkshire. The oak processionary caterpillars can cause allergic reactions because each insect is covered with thousands of toxic hairs, which can cause irritation to the eyes, the throat, and the skin. And speaking of poison, if any American has the power of persuasion over North Korea's defiant young ruler, it might be eccentric ex-basketball star Dennis Rodman. So when Rodman digitally called for Kim Jong Un to release U.S. citizen Kenneth Bae, he may have a shot at a response. "I'm calling on the Supreme Leader of North Korea or as I call him "Kim", to do me a solid and cut Kenneth Bae loose," Rodman tweeted. He might as well put a gun to Kim's head and force him to step down and allow democracy to kick in.

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