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31 July 2016

Obama proves his Osama-ness

The Bellend of the Month for July 2016 is Barack Hussain Obama, who has just signed the "DARK Act" into law. It is unfortunate that the President has sided with well-heeled lobbyists representing Monsanto and the rest of Big Food and against consumers and families. The Roberts-Stabenow "DARK Act" is a step backward; one that tramples on states rights and makes it more difficult for American mothers and fathers to know what's in the food they're purchasing for their children. We believe the free market will reject efforts by those in Congress, and the President, to make it more difficult for families to understand what is in the food being sold in America's grocery stores. While we are disappointed that huge campaign contributions from Big Ag and the food industry were sufficient to undermine what 89% of Americans clearly desire in the way of clearly understandable, on package labeling of GMOs, we know the truth will eventually win this debate. But thank you all of those Members of the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives who were brave enough to vote against the Monsanto lobbyists and express disappointment that the President decided to side with lobbyists instead of the people. I would not be surprised if this is why the police are shooting black people for no reason. Seriously, what part of "veto" does that chimp not understand? America's first black president has already sold out, and that's before TPP ratification which is rumoured to be scheduled for right after the election in the lame duck session of Congress. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 but here in 2016, he has yet to earn it. So far, the hope he promised in his election campaign in 2008 has turned out to be false, and the lion's share of the change for the worse. I know at least one six-letter word beginning with "n" that describes Obama, but I won't say it here. Instead, I will say this: if the KKK got off their butts and did their job, there would be one less sell-out turning our planet into a toxic dystopian mess. I seriously hope someone cares about America enough to put a bullet in his thick skull. And if they can take care of Clinton and Trump as well, they would be doing their nation a great service.

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