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30 April 2017

Outer gets kicked out

The Bellend of the Month for April 2017 is Jeff Varner, who was dramatically evicted from the current season of Survivor after what many viewers are already calling the most horrifying moment in the history of the show. The current US season of the show, its 34th, is Survivor: Game Changers and brings together a group of popular former contestants in the show to do battle with each other in a bid to win $1 million. Two of these contestants are 50-year-old Varner, who's twice previously competed in the show, and 28-year-old Zeke Smith, who was a popular contestant in the 33rd season. Through this season's six episodes to date, the pair, who both openly identify as gay men, have forged a close friendship. That all changed at Tribal Council this episode, with Varner feeling the heat as he knew he was likely to be voted out. Attempting to get the target off his back, Varner encouraged his fellow contestants to cast a more critical eye on Smith. He announces that Smith had been lying to the group: He's transgender, and this is information he has not shared with them. "It reveals the ability to deceive," he tells them. As Zeke sits stunned that his gender identity has just been outed in front of his castmates - not to mention a worldwide TV audience - it's immediately clear that Varner's move has backfired. The other contestants howl him down, several becoming extremely emotional as they grapple with what he's just done to Zeke. Speaking to host Jeff Probst, Varner seemed to grasp that he'd made a terrible mistake, and attempted to backtrack. "I'm not saying, Jeff, that transgender people are deceptive," he said, to which Probst scoffed: "You're saying that by not revealing it, he's capable of deception. That's a giant leap of logic. Do you honestly not see that?" Probst then made an executive decision that there would be no vote. There was no need - it was clear who had to leave the island. "We don't need to vote, just grab your torch," he told Varner. He and his torch should both be dragged off an overbooked flight.

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