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9 March 2018

So it was all a lie... or was it?

Only the lowest form of human filth would have the temerity to accuse victims of the Florida massacre of staging the mass shooting to make a push for tighter gun laws. There was also a gang of Republicans who accused the student activists of being hired actors. Cobb County Republican Party vice chair Michael Davis just disgusted the nation by posting a video on Facebook that allegedly portrays footage of students rehearsing ahead of the “fake shooting aired by NBC,” as reported by Georgia’s WXIA. Cobb County GOP Chairman Jason Shepherd responded to Davis’ post in the following statement: “Maybe 11Alive should focus on the fact these so-called ‘student lead’ protests are anything but with left winged organizations from the ACLU to the SCLC just in Cobb County when it opens the door legally for outside political organizations using students to disrupt the school day when the US is already ranked near the bottom in education among industrialized nations.” He continued, “If a school district opens the door to one, then under Equal Protection they must allow any group of students to stage walkouts. What will this do to education in America?” These straw man arguments are getting old. Republicans need to address the elephant in the room aka the NRA, and they need to address it now. And maybe the Second Amendment needs to go as well.

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