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18 March 2011

Seriously, what's a few more potential candidates for President?

One thing that is true is that one of the constitutional requirements for the office of US President is that you have to be a natural-born citizen of the US, and this means that you have to have been born in the States, or to at least one parent with American citizenship. Another thing that is true is that if you give birth in the States, even if you snuck in just for the big day, then your kid is automatically a US citizen. But there are two bills in the Arizona state legislature, one intending to force a Supreme Court ruling against automatic citizenship for U.S.-born children of illegal immigrants, and another to require schools to file reports on enrollments of illegal immigrant students, and both have been defeated. I might not be too big a fan of illegal immigration but the Constitution is pretty clear on this: if you give birth on US soil, even if you snuck in on a flimsy raft, then your child is a natural-born citizen of the United States, and he or she has fulfilled one of the constitutional requirements for the office of President (to the best of my knowledge, the others are not being a convicted felon, being at least 35, having resided in America for at least 14 years of your life, and not already having served two terms).

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