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20 December 2014

Obama leads charge against Sony hackers

President Barack Obama has vowed a US response after North Korea's alleged cyber-attack on Sony Pictures. The US leader also said the studio "made a mistake" in cancelling the Christmas release of The Interview, a satire depicting the assassination of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. Sony said it still planned to release the film "on a different platform". US authorities have linked North Korea to the hack, which saw sensitive studio information publicly released. Sony said it cancelled the planned Christmas release of the film after a majority of cinemas refused to show it following anonymous threats. "We will respond," Obama told reporters. "We will respond proportionately and in a space, time, and manner that we choose. We cannot have a society in which some dictator someplace can start imposing censorship in the United States." I agree with him, and if I was in charge of the release, I would be moving ahead instead of caving in to terrorist threats because not only do the terrorists not get what they want, if even one public showing of any movie takes place in Los Angeles County, California before the end of the year, then it can be nominated for an Oscar. And if my family and I are taken to North Korea and imprisoned for three generations (that is actually a thing over there) over the film's release, then so be it.

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