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4 June 2015

Caitlyn, #dontgivebackthegold

A bunch of total idiots believe Caitlyn Jenner ought to give back her Gold Medal. On, a petition went into circulation on Monday that was started by a woman named Jennifer Bradford. It asks the Olympic International Committee to revoke the top prize Bruce Jenner earned at the 1976 Decathalon because Bruce says he has always identified as female. "We congratulate Ms. Jenner on these new developments and wish her the best," reads the petition. "However, this creates somewhat of a problem as Ms. Jenner (as talented as she is) claims that she has always believed herself to be truly female, and therefore, was in violation of committee rules regarding women competing in men's sports and vice versa." The ridiculous document proceeds to try and justify why the former athlete's accomplishments at the 1976 Montreal Olympics should no longer be valid. "As we must now either claim that Bruce Jenner and Caitlyn Jenner are two entirely different people (which we know is not true), or that Bruce Jenner was, in fact, a woman participating in a men's event. "It is only fair to all involved that women receive their credit as champions of the Decathalon and that the men racing Ms. Jenner are not expected to compete with a superior, streamlined being such as herself." This is clearly an asinine line of reasoning, especially coming from somebody who probably doesn't know what the word asinine means. And, most insulting of all perhaps, Bradford somehow tries to claim that Caitlyn Jenner giving up her Gold would help her cause. "We urge Ms. Jenner to support the transgender community by giving up the medals earned by competing against the wrong gender," she writes. "Thank you, and congratulations to Ms. Jenner for her courage! #givebackthegold." Sadly, over 5,000 people have signed the petition so far. If you sign that, you are officially a complete retard. Even if Jenner did identify as a woman during his gold medal-winning accomplishment at Montreal, at least he didn't use performance-enhancing drugs like a certain seven-time Tour de France champion. There are much better and more worthy petitions on to sign, for instance this one seeking the disbarment of a lawyer who wants to legalise the murder of LGBT people.

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