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20 September 2015

The Rise of the iDroid

Apple's first Android (logo pictured) app, "Move to iOS", which lets users migrate mobile phone data to a new iOS device, is reportedly easy to use. However, tech enthusiasts warn against loss of data and other data transfer issues. Following Apple's launch of "Move to iOS" Android app on Sept. 16, users affirm that the process of migrating data to an iPhone or iPad running on iOS 9 is relatively easy, except for the loss of some data. According to Mac World, users should know which contents are transferred and where they get stored in the iOS device. For instance, although there is an option to transfer all photos, some might be lost because of lack of space in the iOS device. Users need to check if all files they want to transfer are migrated into the device. I have a solution for that: don't skimp on storage space for your new iDevice just because it's cheaper to do so. And make sure you don't have too much stuff on your Android. Also, you shouldn't even be using Android in the first place. Android is by far the most retarded excuse for a mobile operating system. If it's not Apple, it's crapple.

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