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11 March 2012

The judge who just wouldn't quit

Because it's our second anniversary tomorrow, we're awarding the first of three Yogi Awards to people or groups of people who, over the past 12 months, were smarter than the average whatever. Hillary Adams, daughter of November 2011’s Bellend of the Month, gets the first Yogi Award for being smarter than the average daughter. In January, she spoke out against some new outrages her father, who is already a total jerk, had committed against her and her sister. You can find out what she is saying here, but let me give you a taste of what she wrote in that update: he had promised her her school savings in return for a car, and he still has every penny and the car. If that were me put in that position, I would sell the car on eBay, and then the house, and I would use the money on a gun and bullets to put that loser out of his misery. But I’m not the one on the receiving end of his gross mistreatment, so I’ll just have to settle for the next best thing: I should start a campaign on Twitter to have that nutjob removed from office (I have selected #removewilliamadams as a candidate for the hashtag) and put in his place.

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