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23 July 2012

WEEKLY GROSS-OUT: Paying for waffles

Or at least that's what the Swedish Young Pirates association thought. They had a tent at a local municipal festival, and were handing out free waffles as an attraction. They were targeted with eviction from the festival, not because they weren’t allowed to make food or give things away (they were), but because the traditional festival waffle makers couldn’t get paid anymore. It sounds like a joke, but it isn’t. In fact, I can't find anything more ridiculous to speak out against this week. As described by Gustav Nipe, chairman of Young Pirate and one of the people giving out waffles at the festival: “Today a lady walked by and complained that we give our waffles away. Apparently, that is horrible behavior as people are trying to sell waffles at the festival, and how could they get paid if there are free waffles?” Instead of selling the waffles for 25 Swedish kronor (about NZ$4.50), the Young Pirates were sharing them for free. They should be praised for this because not every person could afford the 25 kronor necessary to buy the waffles elsewhere. Such a stupid rule against free waffles is only there to protect the business interests of the selfish and money-hungry competition, who only want money just for the sake of having money. If there is a free (or at the very least cheaper) alternative, then that's the one people should go for, hence sites like The Pirate Bay even existing in the first place.

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