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5 August 2012

Cocker to end the cock-up

Jarvis Cocker, Pete Townshend, and other British musicians have called on the Russian President Vladimir Putin to ensure the members of Russian punk band Pussy Riot are given a fair trial in Moscow. Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, Mariya Alekhina, and Yekaterina Samutsevich were taken into custody in February after singing a protest song against Putin in Moscow. In a letter to The Times, the musicians said the song was a legitimate protest and called on Putin, who is in London this week for the Olympics, to ensure they receive a fair hearing. In fact, Pussy Riot should be released because they've been locked up for too long and I don't really think they did anything wrong. It's not like they snuck into a movie theatre and shot people. And speaking of that, a controversial billboard comparing President Barack Obama with James Holmes has come down. The electronic billboard featured a photo of Holmes with the words "Kills 12 in a movie theater [sic] with assault rifle, everyone freaks out" next to a photo of Obama with the words "Kills thousands with foreign policy, wins Nobel Peace Prize." Seriously, come on, people. Even if Romney does somehow pull his weight in the White House, this attack on Obama was a bit below the belt. He should not be compared to someone who faces the death penalty for his stupidity.

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