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12 March 2013


We've officially made it to three years. And in those three years, I haven't seen anything as stupid and uncool as the Harlem Shake. This is when one person in the room starts dancing like a bellend while everyone else is going about their business. Cut to a few seconds later, and everybody in the room is dancing like total bellends. I don't see how this tripe stands a chance at outdoing Gangnam Style. But if you think the Harlem Shake is any good, there's a lot of it here. But now that that's out of the way, we have another Yogi Award to present. It goes to Jerry Brown, who was smarter than the average state governor in that he signed a law back in September banning licensed mental health providers treating teenagers and children from attempting "to change behaviors or gender expressions, or to eliminate or reduce sexual or romantic attractions or feelings toward individuals of the same sex". By taking such a big step, Governor Brown has sent a powerful message of affirmation and support to LGBT youth and their families. This law will ensure that a) LGBT youth will now be protected from a practice that has not only been debunked as junk science, but has been proven to have drastically negative effects on their well-being, and b) state-licensed therapists can no longer abuse their power to harm LGBT youth and propagate the dangerous and deadly lie that sexual orientation is an illness or disorder that can be "cured". Now it's the other states' turn to ban conversion therapy.

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