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23 June 2013

1200 POSTS!

Should you skip the bedtime stories and do math problems instead? Laura Overdeck, the founder of "Bedtime Math," thinks so. Her mission: to make math friendlier in a way by introducing kids to math problems at an early age. Here's her plan. You get your kids into their PJs. You tuck them in with a math equation on top of their bedtime story. And you can find a sample of her bedtime math puzzles here. But the question on everybody's minds: will this really be of use to anybody? I know one thing that won't be: roads in part of Bristol city centre have been closed today in the city's first car-free Sunday. Baldwin Street, King Street, and Corn Street are among the roads shut to traffic in Mayor George Ferguson's Make Sunday Special initiative. It is the first of five monthly events aimed at opening up the centre of Bristol for pedestrians. But some people claim Mr Ferguson - who is closing the roads from 9am to 6pm local time - is anti-motorist. The city has been crowned the European Green Capital for 2015 and the traffic free Sunday idea was part of the bid. This has the germ of a good idea. The problem is that UK roads and city centres in particular do not lend themselves to this kind of initiative. And speaking of initiative, here's a poor use for it: nearly 300 children have strangled to death or were seriously injured by window-blind cords since 1996, and at least ten of those have been in military housing where residents often are prohibited from making changes that might have prevented the deaths, according to a safety advocacy group. The deaths have spurred parents into action, but they're tangling with the bureaucratic weight of the Pentagon and limited resources to sound the alarm.

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