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7 August 2013

Willis is expended in favour of Ford

Actor Harrison Ford has joined the cast of the third film in the Expendables action franchise, filling a gap vacated by the departing Bruce Willis. That could prove to be just what the franchise needs, but we have something more serious to discuss. Eastern Afghanistan and neighbouring Pakistan were recently hit by torrential rain, causing floods which have killed at least 160 people. The floods have caused extensive damage to property in both countries. The Pakistani army was called in to help the clean-up in Karachi, where local media reports say sewage and rainwater have blocked some of the main roads. The fatalities in the city have been mostly due to electrocution or collapsing roofs and walls. The floods are also reported to have left many areas of the city without power. The floodwaters may be receding in Karachi, but this is a symptom of climate change. The region as a whole has suffered devastating floods during the monsoon period for the past three years, and no, the Mayans are not responsible for this. Neither is PSY. It's anyone and everyone who thought it would be a good idea to burn rubbish or get that sports car that only gets a few miles to the gallon or some other moronic act that contributed to the hole in our ozone layer that currently rages over Antarctica. Is this (picture 1) the world you want my niece (picture 2), who turned six months old today, to inherit?

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