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25 March 2014

BAD IDEA OF THE WEEK: Crashing a plane

Efforts to try to identify debris from Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 in the southern Indian Ocean are unlikely to start again for at least another 24 hours, Australian officials have stated, adding that gale-force winds, large waves, heavy rain, and low clouds forecast for the area would make a search dangerous. And, the task ahead of the multi-national team is formidable: a 5.6 million square km area in one of the remotest places on Earth. "We're not searching for a needle in a haystack," Mark Binskin, vice chief of the Australian Defence Force, told reporters. "We're still trying to find where the haystack is." They'd better find it soon because if they don't, those who boarded flight 370 will not see their families again, and said families will now have to live on without those they love. So they'd better find it.

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