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12 March 2014

Four Years a Blog

But our work is still not done, for we have a second Yogi Award to present: Tony Bolwell, who was smarter than the average noticer - in November, he noticed that a housing estate (pictured) in his hometown of Devizes in Wiltshire has been built in the shape of a swastika - the shape of the most hated symbol of the 20th century. The small estate was built in the 1950s or 60s and is named after a small town near Stuttgart. Waiblingen Way has an average house price of about £220,000 and the strangely-shaped block is at the end of a cul-de-sac. Wiltshire Council said it did not know who designed the homes, but whoever did it only designed them that way to rub salt in the wounds Hitler inflicted on several million people during World War II. Why else would anyone design a swastika-shaped home in a town twinned with one in Germany, so soon after the war?

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