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4 June 2014

Samsung nixes Android

Samsung Electronics, the world's No.1 smartphone maker, on Monday unveiled its first smartphone powered by Tizen, an open-source alternative to Android. The Samsung Z will be on show at the Tizen Developer Conference to be held this week in San Francisco, the South Korean company said in a statement. The tech behemoth said that the phone is optimized with the Tizen software, which will offer a faster startup time and immediate multi-tasking capabilities. The smartphone comes with a 4.8-inch HD Super AMOLED display and a 2.3 GHz Quad-core processor. It features a distinctive home and application layout for easy access to favourite apps. But enough about that because the group 2 Million Bikers will form a wall of motorcycles between Maya Angelou's funeral procession and any potential protests by the Westboro Baptist Church. Angelou was considered one of America's great poets, performers, speakers, activists, and writers, and will be interred after two services this week - one for the public, and a second private service according to Jezebel. Her tribute to the late Nelson Mandela was featured on the US State Department's youtube channel after his death. The WBC meanwhile proclaimed that the Mandela was burning in hell, and that it was going to picket Angelou's funeral, tweeting "No RIP Maya Angelou. She was a staunch devil child who esteemed the love of the world more than the honour of God," according to Gay Star News. They also claimed that she was a "fag enabler." 2 Million Bikers wasn't willing to take this lying down, and while they claim not to endorse Angelou's views, they have decided to protect her funeral. A spokesman for the bikers said, "If we allow WBC to protest at her funeral what will stop them from protesting at one of our funerals?" Seriously, people, those idiots should not be preaching their gospel of hate at anybody's funeral. Let the mourners grieve instead of listen to those fanatics and their hateful messages.

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