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13 January 2015

BAD IDEA OF THE WEEK: Trying to cut the head off

Remember, guys, it will grow back, starting with French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo, which is publishing a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed on the cover of its first issue since the attack that killed 12 people at its office in Paris. The newspaper Liberation hosted Charlie Hebdo staff as they prepared the new issue and is handling its special 1 million-copy print run in numerous languages. Liberation published the Charlie Hebdo cover online late last night, showing a man in a white turban it says represents the Prophet. He is holding a sign reading “Je suis Charlie” (“I am Charlie“) and with a title reading “Tout est Pardonne” (“All is Forgiven“), which French media interpreted as meaning Mohammed is forgiving the cartoonists for lampooning him. In real life, when a pencil is broken, the bit with the rubber on it can be sharpened at the break to make a second pencil. The other bit can be sharpened at the break to make a double-ended pencil, meaning three different ends from where you can write with it. Similarly, if you try to stop Charlie Hebdo, it will come back stronger than ever before. It's called the Streisand effect, people. It got its name from when Barbra Streisand tried to get a photo of her house (pictured) taken down, only for the pic to receive even more attention.

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