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31 January 2015

Justice for Ramarley at long last

The Los Angeles police chief is asking Google to eliminate a cop-spotting feature from its Waze traffic app. Waze is Google’s popular traffic app that lets users collaborate to report locations of heavy traffic, road closures, police speed traps, and other driving incidents. Publicly sharing information about the location of a marked police car, the LAPD chief claims, jeopardizes police officers’ lives. His evidence? The man who recently killed two cops in New York had used the Waze app at some point before the shooting. So what? They had it coming. American cops have been shooting unarmed black teenagers and getting away with it for too long. And the NYPD have successfully weaselled their way out of a lawsuit in relation to one such shooting that took place in 2012, for the family of a Bronx teenager (pictured) who was fatally shot by a police officer who had barged into his apartment after suspecting him of taking part in a drug deal has agreed to settle a wrongful-death lawsuit against the city for US$3.9 million. The agreement to settle the case comes nearly three years after the shooting of the teenager, Ramarley Graham. But as long as they pay up and accept responsibility for their little "accident", I would still consider that an acceptable outcome. The question now: will they pay the $3.9 million?

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