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2 April 2015

Ain't that a shot in the mug

Three Tennessee middle school students were suspended earlier this week after posting their teacher's mug shot on Instagram, prompting one mom to ask why an adult's legal troubles put her son in hot water. Shanna Richardson said her son, an eighth grade student at Highland Oaks Middle School in Memphis, was issued a three-day suspension with two other students for posting their teacher's mugshot to Instagram during class. The teacher, identified as Tiffany Jackson, was arrested earlier for driving with a suspended license. On Friday, a group of students posted the image and then Richardson's son re-posted it. It's public information, put it that way. You can see it on social media or you can see it in a magazine. Shelby County district officials, however, call the incident "inappropriate use of electronic media." The students were disciplined not for posting the photo but rather because they were using district computers to access inappropriate websites and content not related to the lessons that day. If that's the issue here, then why are students allowed to access "inappropriate" websites on district computers? Whoever is in charge of these computers should be fired, or at the very least disciplined, for letting the children access inappropriate content. Seems to me a much bigger offense than simply re-posting a public image of a criminal.

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