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10 January 2011

So what if it's a boy?

An Australian couple have aborted twin boys just because they wanted a girl, and they are going to court to win the right to use IVF treatment to choose the sex of their next baby. This is almost the same carry-on that goes on in China but with genders reversed. I'm all for abortion but doing it just because the baby is the wrong sex is not necessarily the right thing to do. If it's to save the mother's life, by all means go ahead - after all, it is an emergency. If it's because of incest or rape, it might not be the baby's fault but hey, let's face it: do you really want to be weighed down with a potential descendant of that scumbag for nine months? If it's for socioeconomic factors, I'd suggest getting funding from charities or tax credits or giving the baby up for adoption but if you feel the need to have it sucked into a vacuum, then there should be a clinic within easy reach. If it's because of foetal defects, I wouldn't recommend it: former Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin carried her youngest child Trig to term despite the fact that he had Down's syndrome (and no, we do NOT call them mongoloids anymore), but if you'd rather not be having to care for these sorts of defects, then it's time for your kid to go the way of Old Yeller. But please bear this in mind: PENISES AND VAGINAS DON'T COUNT AS FOETAL DEFECTS - WE ALL HAVE EITHER ONE OR THE OTHER (sorry to be typing in uppercase - just hoping you get the message). Like I said, I'm all for abortion unless it's done just because of the appendages between the baby's legs. And I hope those bellends lose their court case.

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