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22 July 2011

Come on Bashar, leave!

As anthems go, this one is fittingly blunt. “Come on Bashar, leave,” it declares to Syrian President (and tyrant) Bashar al-Assad. And in the weeks since it was heard in protests in the Syrian city of Hama, the song has become a symbol of the power of the protesters’ message, the confusion in their ranks and the violence of the government in stopping their dissent. I agree with the message because al-Assad needs to go NOW. Also, there needs to be some major democratic reforms in China, whether it comes from the Republic of China taking all the territory or the "people's republic" becoming a truly democratic nation, whether with or without the island of Taiwan. Personally, I favour the ROC righting an over 60-year-old wrong and taking back all the PRC-controlled lands (and their seat in the UN) by force (and maybe North Korea as well). And to fight back at the severe mistreatment of women in Saudi Arabia (where having a vagina instead of a penis means one has the permanent status of a child), they should abolish the misogynistic state and split its land evenly between the bordering nations of Jordan, Iraq, Oman, and Yemen (their leaders might not be so great but at least the women in those four countries get to drive - in fact, women can drive even in North Korea). And one more: the USA should annex Cuba (and possibly New Zealand so frequent travellers to the States won't be subject to the post-9/11 airport security practice of touching passengers' private areas during the pat-down).

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