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7 July 2011

The Olympics are coming back to South Korea!

But that's not until 2018. Right now, let's get to today, and to some more serious issues. South Korea is breaking new ground today on another resettlement facility for North Korean defectors, reflecting the increasing number of people escaping food shortages and harsh living conditions of the hermit state. At the resettlement centers, hundreds of defectors learn how to live in a free and prosperous nation, the exact opposite of the nation they have fled. The oldest "student" is 84 years of age and will probably not get much time to use his/her new-found freedom, and the youngest is just one month old and unlikely to ever remember having lived in a communist hellhole. Daily lessons teach the basics of life in South Korea such as how to buy a subway ticket, open a bank account, and how to understand the language (sure both nations speak Korean, but in the North, the Korean spoken is, thanks to the work of Kim Il-Sung and his son Kim Jong-Il, devoid of the outside influences that can be heard in the Korean spoken in South Korea). This will definitely bring down Kim Jong-il's government, and if that's the way he's going to run his side of the 38th parallel, then maybe he's not the right person for the land and the entire US military should finish their tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, and when they're available, overrun Pyongyang and destroy that maggot's cult of personality once and for all.

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