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4 July 2011


Their TV programmes (except for a few gems like Mr. Bean and one outrageously funny show about some guy named Frank Spencer) are atrocious, their Queen is STILL our head of state, their flag (pictured) is a huge eyesore occupying the top-left quarter of our flag (and those of several other nations which are supposed to be independent; in fact, their flag forms part of that of Hawaii, which is supposed to be one of the fifty United States), and some of the food they eat is just nasty. In fact, they need to change the name of one regional specialty because faggots is also the plural form of a horrific anti-gay slur. For these reasons and many more, the United States did the right thing in seceding on this day in 1776. That's right, I'm talking about Britain. Of course they brought us one of the world's most popular languages, and they sometimes help out when America needs to take down tyrannical rulers; but for the most part, they've also unloaded some nasty stuff onto the rest of the world.

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