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5 July 2011

Will I still be here in 1000 years time? Maybe.

If Aubrey de Grey's predictions are right, the first person who will live to see their 150th birthday has already been born. And the first person to live for 1000 years (outside of books of fiction like the Bible) could be less than 20 years younger. A biomedical gerontologist and chief scientist of a foundation dedicated to longevity research, de Grey reckons that within his own lifetime doctors could have all the tools they need to "cure" aging - including banishing diseases that come with it and extending life indefinitely (not to mention causing severe overpopulation). That means this blog could still be receiving daily updates in the year 3000 or even later. Maybe I could go one further and be one of the first to make it to 1500 years - if I do, then the proof could be right here in a post dated October 8, 3488. But if the first to make it to 1000 years of age is some bellend like Justin Bieber or Amy Chua, then maybe the whole thing is just a silly idea.

A good reason why death is a necessary part of the natural order of things is because if people kept living longer, then there would be too many of us on Earth and not enough land or food for everyone. If such longevity as described above does show up on Earth, then extra land would be needed - maybe move some of the population to Antarctica, or send people to the Moon or to Mars. To take care of the food problem, genetic engineering will be a necessary evil.

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