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5 November 2011

Even abortion can be aborted

A rebel anti-choice movement gaining momentum nationwide is hoping for its first electoral victory on Tuesday, when Mississippi voters will decide whether to designate a fertilised egg as a person and potentially label its destruction an act of murder. If approved, the nation's first "personhood" amendment could criminalise abortion and limit in-vitro fertilisation and some forms of birth control. It would also give a jolt of energy to an anti-choice national movement that views mainstream anti-choice activists as timid.

The change is stupid because it would cut off access to abortion by equating it with homicide, making no exception for rape, incest, or when a woman's life is in danger. The measure will likely pass and spark years of litigation that may stall or prevent its implementation, and it won't hold up in court because there is a very strong precedent against it: it's called Roe v. Wade, and it's spent a long and eventful life keeping the anti-choice agenda down. There is a much better way around this - they could always close down the state's only abortion clinic, but it won't do much good because there are lots of other abortion clinics out of state.

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