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28 June 2012

An abortion of an abortion of abortion

Mississippi's latest attempt to close its sole abortion clinic has been challenged as unconstitutional in an 11th hour legal challenge filed in a federal court yesterday. The challenge, by the Center for Reproductive Rights (CRR), argues that the state law will threaten the health of women in Mississippi and deprive them of their constitutionally protected right to decide when and whether to have children. The law, which was passed in April and is due to come into effect on Sunday, requires doctors who perform the procedure to have admitting privileges at a local hospital in addition to being certified obstetricians and gynecologists. This would impose medically unjustified requirements on physicians, with the sole and unconstitutional purpose of causing fewer abortions, the CRR argues. I agree with the CRR. This is not really about safety. It is about politics, and the life of a woman is too important to play politics. Women in Mississippi who decide to have an abortion often have limited means, and they come from all parts of the state. Those women will have no option. In a medical emergency they will be hard pressed. It becomes dangerous. When women don't have access to abortion care, it creates desperate circumstances. They may have to accomplish their goals in ways that aren't safe. In other news, a lesbian mother who was ousted as a American boy scout leader because of her sexual orientation has slapped down 1980s action star Chuck Norris after he claimed gay people have no place in the scouting movement. Jennifer Tyrrell, the former leader of her son's boy scouts troop in Bridgeport, Ohio, accused Norris of being "out of touch" after he wrote a column that accused President Obama of encouraging attempts trying to impose a "pro-gay" stance on the Boy Scouts of America by stealth. Gays do deserve to be in the Scouts, but I'll just stay out of this one because Chuck Norris is so bad he makes onions cry. He can also win a game of Connect Four in just three moves. And lightning never strikes twice in one place because Chuck Norris is looking for it.

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