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26 June 2012

They got swastika eyes

Beachgoers at the Jersey shore looked to the sky and found an unpleasant sight on Saturday afternoon - but it wasn't seagulls circling or dark storm clouds breaking the sun-soaked summer day. It was two swastikas - one inside a Star of David - flown on a plane-led banner above the beach like an ad for a bar's karaoke night or a restaurant's seafood special. "First I was like, ‘Did I just see what I thought I saw fly by?'? " said Kim Silverman, a Philadelphia woman who was enjoying the waves at Harvey Cedars on Long Beach Island around 3 p.m. when she looked up to see the symbol, long associated with the horrors of Nazi Germany, traveling across the blue sky. But the swastika, it turns out, wasn't meant to offend - although it did, as police and Don Pripstein, president of the Jewish Community Center of LBI, received several complaints about it. It was part of the third annual Swastika Rehabilitation Day, a worldwide event sponsored by the International Raelian Movement, a cult religious group that, according to its website, believes that a Creator reveals itself via UFOs. Swastika Rehabilitation Day aims to educate people about the true meaning of the swastika, but they should be careful where they display it because many Jews are offended by that symbol, which is sacred in some religions, and stood for luck at one point in time. Some people believe it's totally offensive, but I don't believe that because that's just like saying Christians can't use the cross anymore just because the KKK use it as a symbol of intimidation. Furthermore, Christians hijacked the Torah and reinterpreted it for the Church's own ends, and they used it to help justify all those violent acts throughout history. But the Jewish people never let Christianity change the Torah in the eyes of the Jews. Also, nobody ever stopped using the word "dictation" just because Jonah Takalua is into a rather immature play on said word.

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