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7 November 2012

Celebrate more Obama, come on!

President Barack Obama rolled to re-election and a second term in the White House today with a clear victory over Republican challenger Mitt Romney. Romney called Obama to concede after the president's victories in Ohio and the heavily contested swing states of Virginia, Nevada, Iowa, and Colorado carried the Democrat past the 270 electoral votes needed for victory. Obama, America's first black president, won by convincing voters to stick with him as he tries to reignite strong economic growth and recover from the worst recession since the Great Depression of the 1930s. In the Congress and Senate elections, Obama's Democrats held their Senate majority, while Romney's Republicans retained House of Representatives control. Democrat Claire McCaskill retained her U.S. Senate seat from Missouri, beating Republican congressman Todd Akin, who stirred controversy with his comment in August that women's bodies could ward off pregnancy in cases of "legitimate rape." Democrats gained a Senate seat in Indiana that had been in Republican hands for decades after Republican candidate Richard Mourdock called pregnancy from rape something that God intended. Democratic congressman Joe Donnelly won the race. But at least I didn't have to choose between a douche and a turd. And speaking of turds, a central African country has suspended New Zealand-based Internet entrepreneur Kim Dotcom's new website domain. The Gabon government said it was immediately suspending the site, which was due to be hosted on Gabon's .ga domain, to "protect intellectual property rights" and "fight cyber crime effectively", the website reported. The country's Communication Minister Blaise Louembe said Gabon could not "serve as a platform or screen for committing acts aimed at violating copyrights, nor be used by unscrupulous people". However, Dotcom's not giving up. He tweeted that he has an alternative domain. But whatever domain name he picks for the successor to Megaupload, I won't be using it if I can find good movies and TV shows elsewhere.

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