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13 November 2012

WEEKLY GROSS-OUT: Anders Behring Breivik

That bellend complained in a letter to the Norwegian prison service last week that his coffee is served cold, he does not have enough butter for his bread, and he is not allowed moisturiser. None of those three things would bother me that much - cold coffee is still coffee, butter tastes like barf, and moisturiser is for girls. And besides, prison is supposed to be a punishment. Breivik did a horrible thing and he is serving a minimum 21-year sentence (which can be indefinitely extended for as long as he is considered a danger to society) for it. He has other complaints (my responses to the complaints will be shown in brackets):
  • the handcuffs he wears when being moved around the prison "are too sharp" and "cut in his wrist" (which is basically how the victims' families feel when thinking about their loved ones who had died at the hands of Breivik);
  • the cell is too cold, forcing him to wear three layers of clothes (but a lot of other people in Norway would have to wear even more layers because it can get really cold outside);
  • he has to rush his morning shave and brushing of teeth (as do a lot of non-prisoners when they're running late); and
  • light and television switches are outside the cell, so he has to ask for help to change the channel or sleep (he should be lucky he even has these modern conveniences in his cell because there are people who don't have a television or even electric lighting, let alone know how to work the gadget/s).
Maybe all that will make him appreciate his freedom and stay on the right side of the law so he doesn't go back to jail after being released.

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