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10 November 2013

Life's a printed gun

A Texas company says it has made the first metal gun using a 3D printer, taking the debate over people's emerging ability to create their own firearms to a new level. Solid Concepts, a specialty manufacturing company, said in a blog post it has fired more than 50 rounds from the handgun, even hitting a few bull's-eyes at more than 25 metres. The pistol is a version of an M1911, a handgun designed by John Browning and first used widely in the latter stages of combat stemming from the Philippine-American War. It's built from 33 mostly stainless-steel parts and has a carbon-fibre handgrip carved with a laser. I can see why they'd want to try making their own gun, considering that the company is based in a redneck state, but the company has gone out of its way to point out that producing the metal gun isn't meant to advance a trend that worries law enforcement and some politicians. As 3D printers become more widespread and affordable, some envision a near future in which criminals can crank out untraceable weapons without having to leave their homes, and one day, some bellend would be able to bring one of those into my sister's home and shoot my niece (pictured) at point-blank range. I have a message to anyone who is thinking right now of doing just that: IF YOU SHOOT HAZEL, YOU'LL HAVE ME TO DEAL WITH.

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