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27 November 2013

Lostprophet becomes a Lostcause

Ian Watkins, singer of Welsh rock band Lostprophets, has pleaded guilty to a series of "depraved" child sex offences including attempted rape of a baby. He had previously "furiously denied" the allegations. The 36-year-old from Pontypridd and two women had been due to stand trial at Cardiff Crown Court. Watkins pleaded guilty to attempted rape and sexual assault of a child under 13 but not guilty to rape. This was accepted by the prosecution. Sentencing will take place on 18 December, and it would most likely serve him right. Anyone who does that to kids should get what's coming to them - a human booster shot administered in the prison showers as soon as the soap is dropped. Speaking of soap, children are, according to The New Zealand Herald, becoming sick at one of the country’s most modern new schools, because for three years the board banned soap and hand towels, fearing that they harmed the environment. The school, which has Greenstar accreditation for environmentally friendly design, has a healthy attendance rate of 93.4 per cent with no unusual illnesses. But some parents say their children are suffering due to the school founders’ green philosophy and have complained to the board about their children’s repeated bouts of illness. Seriously, people, a ban on students learning would've made more sense than banning soap.

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