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22 February 2014

Ole Miss students missing the point

A noose was hung around the neck of a statue of a famous civil rights figure at the University of Mississippi. Alcohol and racial slurs were hurled at a black student as she walked near the campus. These two recent, racially charged incidents have some wondering if the school affectionately called Ole Miss is still stuck in the old days. Some alumni say the incidents do not reflect the true character of their alma mater. In the meantime, the FBI is getting involved in one of the incidents. Special Agent Daniel McMullen said the bureau, along with university police, will expand the investigation to determine whether any federal laws were broken in the incident last weekend, when a noose and a flag bearing a Confederate symbol were found placed on the statue of James Meredith. That is just not cool. Either the culprits really are that ignorant or they're just young teenagers who don't realise the seriousness of their actions. Speaking of which, scores of copies of Anne Frank's diary and other books covering the Holocaust held by public libraries across Tokyo have been vandalised, according to local government officials in the Suginami and Nakano wards of Tokyo. Pages were torn out of at least 167 books - most of them versions of "Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl". The diary, which has been read by millions of people around the world, is a Jewish girl's account of hiding from the Nazis in Amsterdam during World War II. Seriously, people, if you were involved in either incident, then you're not a nice person to be around. People should NOT be desecrating statues of civil rights leaders or ripping pages out of Anne Frank's diary because that's just insensitive.

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