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28 June 2011

OK, Colonel, time to stand down

I'm not talking about Mr. Sanders. His recipe for fried chicken is, as Snoop Dogg would put it, "off the hizzle fo' shizzle". Instead, I'm talking about an evil and horrible colonel instead: international judges have ordered the arrest of Gaddafi, his son, and his intelligence chief. The warrant was issued yesterday for the men for orchestrating the killing, injuring, arrest, and imprisonment of hundreds of civilians during the first 12 days of unrest and for trying to cover up the alleged crimes. Reading the decision of the International Criminal Court, presiding judge Sanji Monageng of Botswana said there were reasonable grounds to believe that Gaddafi and his son, Seif al-Islam, were both responsible for the murder and persecution of civilians; and if I were in her position, I would have also said the same thing about those scumbags. Our planet does not need bellends like Gaddafi and he and Justin Bieber should both be sent to Guantanamo before anyone else is put through any more torture at the hands of either of them.

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