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8 June 2011

There's no such thing as psychics

The police in East Texas were led on a fruitless search last night when a woman, claiming to be a psychic, called in a sensational tip, saying she knew of a mass grave where dozens of dismembered bodies were buried. Equipped with a search warrant and cadaver-sniffing dogs, deputies from the Liberty County Sheriff’s Office converged on a home on a narrow country road near Hardin (about an hour outside Houston) in search of a macabre crime scene. The news of a mass grave in rural Texas set off a news media frenzy: throngs of reporters camped outside the home, two news helicopters circled above, and cable news stations flashed alerts that up to 30 bodies had been found. But in the end, there was no grave, there were no bodies, and there was no sign that any crime had been committed. But there was a crime: the misleading call that created the spectacle in the first place. This is a stupid waste of police time and the woman who did it is a complete bellend who was just looking for her 15 minutes of fame when there were other places to find it, for example, she could've made a video and loaded it onto YouTube with the hope of being among other Internet phenomena like that double rainbow guy or the video with the two girls and one cup.

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