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13 June 2011

What up, Digger?

Stephen Fry is rewriting history and it has upset one man who lived through it. Fry is the script-writer for a new version of the 1955 Dambusters film, which is about a famous British raid on the Germans. It stars a dog with a difficult name, so Fry has decided the name should be replaced with ‘Digger’. The man that this change has supposedly upset seriously needs to get a life because these days, the N word is a racist slur directed at black people and should never ever be used in any place at any time. A lot has changed since the raids - for instance, people didn't really think much of the N word causing offence, and nowadays, there's less discipline in schools than there used to be, but this can be solved by bringing back the strap or the cane. Also, we didn't have very many of the modern conveniences we take for granted, and the human race was only just beginning to recognise tobacco's harmful effects. But good on you, Mr. Fry, for removing that awful word from your script. I hope the movie turns a profit.

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