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27 February 2012

WEEKLY GROSS-OUT: Posthumous baptism

Anne Frank, the most famous of all Holocaust victims, has been posthumously baptised at a Mormon temple, fueling the growing controversy over the bizarre practice. The rite was conducted recently in a Mormon temple in the Dominican Republic, according to Helen Radkey, an excommunicated church member turned whistleblower. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints practices proxy baptism, which is when they convert Jews, Christians, and Muslims to the faith years after they died by ritually dunking a stand-in for the deceased. Radkey has revealed that Mormons posthumously baptised thousands of people, including Joan of Arc, Charlie Chaplin, Marilyn Monroe, and Barack Obama’s mother. This is just weird and unnecessary, and there's not much point in baptising the dead. There are people who find God on their deathbeds, but I don't see how posthumously baptising someone is going to make their life the church's definition of better. People should just live while they can. Even if one does live a long and eventful life, be it 70, 80, 90, 100, or even more years, it can't be forever.

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