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30 December 2010

It ain't too taxing... for now

The Government is introducing another tax hike on tobacco on Saturday - another 10% will be added to the cost of one of the filthiest habits known to man, and it's a good thing because cigarette smoke smells bad, cigarette butts are a major littering problem, and smoking is bad for your health. But if the Government are just allowing it for the tax revenue, they can get a good enough stream by putting taxes on solvents like glue or paint (which some bellends sniff), or taxing junk food, or bringing back smokeless tobacco (the tobacco will still be there but the smoke won't), or legalising (and remembering to put the taxes on) marijuana or cocaine or some other illegal drug. Or maybe they could put taxes on foreign music (and perhaps make the tax a bit higher for Australian music) to bring in a tax stream and promote New Zealand artists.

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