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1 December 2010

Just use an executive order

Barack Obama is trying to get Congress to repeal the US military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy by the end of the year. The reason for such a fast-tracked process is so that this can happen while the current legislators are still in (the House of Representatives is elected every two years, as is one third of the Senate, and most of the House will be made up of a Republican majority next year). But I believe an executive order could be used to do this way faster. Getting Congress to do it takes too long, and if you're the President, you can use an executive order to manage almost anything. Clinton, also a Democrat, could've just integrated openly gay people in the military lickety-split with an executive order, but no, that two-timer just had to put "don't ask, don't tell" in place (not to mention performing unspeakable acts with one of his interns during his second term), and Obama's next course of action when the Republican-dominated House comes in would have to be the executive order.

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