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5 October 2011

How do you like them Apples?

It's easy to point to yesterday's iPhone 4S unveiling as a ho-hum affair, that is, if you were expecting something more. And the truth is, most of the tech world was. Look no further than the slew of rumours that took on a life of their own in the extended wait between last year's model and this one. A bevy of silicon cases flying out of China sporting a dramatic new design derived from an allegedly leaked Foxconn prototype? Check. Gorgeous renderings of devices with a huge display, tapered design, and a change to the iPhone's iconic home button that's gone unchanged since the original? Check. And hey, how about two new iPhone models this year? Add that one to the pile too. What we've now got instead is the iPhone 4S, a phone that looks just like the iPhone 4 on the outside but with faster innards. And yes, people will be lining up to buy it because of the faster innards, especially as the new model is a "world phone"; this means the same model can be used on both GSM and CDMA networks (so no need for two different models). But they could also add a second SIM card tray or an SD card slot, or they could improve their Maps app to include a GPS navigation system like the ones you see in cars (I bet they've already come up with that - or not), or maybe even chuck in support for unofficial third-party apps so that iPhone owners won't need to jailbreak their devices.

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