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10 October 2011


There are certain topics everybody knows are going to start a fight - politics, religion, abortion, video game consoles - important things like that. But there's a lot of stuff not on the standard hot-button list that is guaranteed to stir a forum thread into a white-hot frenzy. Topics that you would think people could disagree on reasonably, like dog poop disposal or tipping, can somehow drive people to threaten physical violence. Here are a few:

*Declawing cats: I'm against the practice because claws are part of a cat's survival mechanism, but sometimes, a claw might need to be removed for medical reasons. Same for neutering.
*Tipping: I'm on the fence but in New Zealand, we don't usually tip.
*Does 0.999... = 1? It does as long as you've got a never-ending supply of nines.
*Circumcision: No way. Unless there's a religious or medical reason.
*Veganism: I won't judge your hippie ways but meat is just too tasty for me to stop eating.
*Dog poop: Responsible owners should pick up after their pets just as one would pick up after themselves.

Seriously, guys, can't we just get along?

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