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26 October 2014

11. Thou shalt not drive thy car into the monument

Federal authorities have detained a man who they say admitted to driving a car into a disputed Ten Commandments monument outside the Oklahoma Capitol building, smashing it to pieces. U.S. Secret Service agent David Allison says the man was detained on Friday after he showed up at a federal building in Oklahoma City, rambling and making derogatory statements about the president. Allison says the man admitted to destroying the monument and claimed Satan told him to do it. The 6-foot-tall monument was erected in 2012 with the blessing of Oklahoma’s conservative Legislature. The American Civil Liberties Union of Oklahoma has been suing to have it removed, and they should because having a religious monument outside a government building goes against the separation of church and state. And besides, the Ten Commandments are numbered differently in some churches - for instance, Catholics and Lutherans lump the prohibitions on other gods and idolatry into one and split the prohibition on coveting into two commandments, whilst other churches have separate commandments for the prohibitions on other gods and idolatry and just one commandment starting with thou shalt not covet - so the numbers will have probably needed to be left off if they want to include all Christians.

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